ARCHIVES: Public Houses
The Greyhound
The story passed down is that a tree once grew inside the pub. This may have been true in the early days when the pub was created by amalgamating a row of cottages.
It was designated as a Local Heritage Asset in 2019.
A good example of a village public house. The building was originally likely to have been a number of cottages to house agricultural workers. It became a public house in 1856 with subsequent alterations during the late-19th century and more recently. It is illustrative of the social, economic and cultural development of Botcheston providing a typical function of a small village. Architectural interest includes a decorative door surround, terracotta ridge tiles, gable and ridge chimney stacks, chimney pots and finials and slate tiles. Artistic interest includes pub lettering and hanging sign to communicate the use of the building. It provides a critical communal function for the village and is a source of identity and social interaction. It is registered as an Asset of Community Value. The building has a visual prominence at the back edge of the road and can be singled out as a landmark within the local street scene.